#zach mitchell
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December 22, 2015: Jurassic World Is Closed
#jurassic world#jurassic world camp cretaceous#jwcc#camp cretaceous#owen grady#claire dearing#simon masrani#darius bowman#Indominus Rex#tyrannosaurus rex#yasmina fadoula#ben pincus#brooklynn#kenji kon#Sammy gutierrez#Apatosaurus#Velociraptor blue#Velociraptor charlie#Velociraptor echo#Velociraptor delta#mosasaurus#zara young#zach mitchell#gray mitchell
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I promise
summary: Owen and reader work together with the velociraptors. When the two find Claire and her nephews in the forest with the van she happens to attract one of them.
Disclaimer: Readers 18 so like 2 years older than Zach, Zach does not have a girlfriend in this so like he’s nawt cheating guys I swear, cursing, gun use, dinosaurs 😋
“Hoskins you can’t do this! Once Owen finds out what you’re planning he’s gunna get over here and beat your ass, you want that? Huh?” I confront Hoskins with my hands on my hips. He’s got some crazy plan to use the velociraptors to hunt down the escaped dinosaur.
“Sure he will (name), that is, if he gets here. How d’you know that dinosaur hasn’t gotten him already?” He laughed at me.
“Are you kidding me right now? How are you so sure it has?” Then, a jeep pulled up outside of the velociraptors enclosure. Owen stepped out of the drivers side. “Well would you look at that!” I threw my hands in the air and made my way to Owen, Hoskins trailing behind me. “I-I tried to stop him Owen I did, but he wouldn’t listen to me,” I explained frantically, my voice cracking. I already had a rough time with the people seeing me as someone who could be in control one day, and Hoskins will be my breaking point if I waste anymore time talking to him.
“You’re fine (name). I know what happened.” Owen held a hand up at me and I walked beside Claire. I had only met her a few times but I know she had something going on with my boss.
“Hey Claire, how you doing?” I looked behind me into the jeep and saw two boys. One that looked like he wasn’t even a teen and the other maybe a year or two younger than me. “They yours?” I looked at her.
“Uh- no,” she stifled a laugh, “ they’re my nephews.”
“Oh, alright,” we then turn around and watch Hoskins make his way up to Owen. Owen barely lets him speak before socking him right in the jaw. I let out a gasp and put my hands up to my mouth.
“Get the hell out of here, and stay away from my animals,” Owen spat at him, a stern look painting his face. He valued the raptors health more than his own sometimes.
“Hoskins you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch,” Claire stepped in next to Owen, I went on the other side of him.
“Oh, Jesus. How many more people have to die before this mission makes sense to you?” Hoskins looked at all 3 of us, a disgusted look on his face.
Barry came over to us, “it’s not a mission, it’s a field test.”
“This is an InGen situation now. Okay, there are going to be cruise ships, that show up here at first light, everybody’s gunna get off this island, you’re gunna watch a news story tomorrow, about how you all saved lives. No, no, no, better yet, how your animals, saved lives.”
It was my turn to step in now, “Hoskins, letting the raptors out of containment would just put the people in even more danger. They have never, EVER, been let out of there. Letting them free would just be a whole other problem.” Barry looked at me, then Owen.
“She’s right. It’s crazy.” Hoskins then tells his people to move it out. Then he turns back around to Owen.
“This is happening, with or without you.” Owen then looks down at me on his right. I have my moment to think about it, then nod my head.
“Owen with you working with it, the raptors will be more under control than if this lunatic were to do it alone,” I pointed at Hoskins.
“Okay, come on then.” He grabbed my arm and we went with Hoskins and Barry to the tent across from the raptors enclosure. Once we were in there, there was a whole bunch of armed men. I was next to Owen as he pointed at a map, “We know that shes in sector 5, this is a game we call hide-and-seek, it’s a scent drill, we’ve done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters.” He nods on to me for me to continue.
“They like to herd the animal into a kill zone, that when we can make our move.” Owen smiled at me then gave me a fist bump.
“That’s right, get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you got. We got one good target gentlemen,” he turned to me, “and lady,” I give him a cheeky look, bowing my head. “Do not shot my raptors. Please.” We then make our way over to the raptors. I handle Charlie. She had always favored me, just like Delta was fond of Barry, and Blue only really listened to Owen.
“Easy girl, I got you,” I rubbed under her chin, “settle for me,” I then disconnected her head piece. I cooed at her and scratched her chin, she groaned at me in return, “Good girl! Good job Charlie!” I turned to look at Owen with Blue, “Look Owen!” he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.
“Good job kid. I’m lucky you work with me. She’s always been easier when you’re around.” I continued to mess around with her when I heard a voice.
“Owen!” I turned around and it was Claire’s nephews. Owen walked over to them. I felt the older of the twos eyes on me and wagged my fingers at him, and his cheeks dusted a pale pink, slowly waving back. “Are they safe?” The little one asked. I had forgot to get their names from Claire. I walk over alongside Owen, and give a face splitting grin at the boys.
“No, they’re not.” Owen looked at him seriously. The older one then spoke up.
“What are their names?” He looked at Owen, then turned to me. Owen looked at me.
“you can tell them.” He nudged my shoulder, making me laugh.
“That’s Charlie,” Owen cut me off.
“She listens to her the most. Which is surprising honestly. She’s always been more aggressive but when she started working here, Charlie changed her whole attitude around.”
“Well obviously,” I shrugged my shoulders, “anyways, that’s Echo, then Delta, and lastly Blue.” I put my hands in my hips then looked at Owen.
“She’s the beta.” Owen said. The little one spoke again.
“who’s the alpha?”
“You’re lookin’ at him, kid.” This caused them to smile at him. I waved at them both as they went to their aunt Claire. The older one looked at me, as if he were in a daze, and slowly waved back. ————————————————————————
Time goes by and Owen and I took the headgear off of the raptors and put them in their personal cages. Owen holds up a pound or so of meat from the Indominous rex.
“Sooo, do I get a gun?” I leaned on the wall next to Charlie’s cage. Owen looked at me.
“Yeah, probably, go ask them to give you a rifle or something.” I push myself off the wall and go out to the men with guns.
I tap one on the shoulder. He turns around and looks me up and down. “Can I get one of those guns? Maybe an AR or something?” He laughs at me.
“A girl like you? How old even are you?”
“18 and old enough to handle a man-eating dinosaur. I’m sure I can take a gun.” He looks surprised at me. “You gunna give me one or what?” He smiles and nods his head at me then leads me to the guns. ��Alright, little girl, take your pick.” I pick up an AR and nod at them, putting it on my back. I leave the tent and see Claires oldest nephew looking at me again.
I smirk at him and wave. He’s cute. I peer from side to side and begin striding over to him. “Hey,” I stop infront of him.
“Hey.. what you do is pretty cool. For the raptors and everything.” He fiddles with his finger for a quick second before looking back up at me.
“Thanks, babe! You gunna make sure your aunts safe without Owen here?” I say as I rock on my heels.
“yes, yeah for sure.” He leans back against the van, hands in his pocket.
“Alright, stay safe yourself hun.”
“you too,” he mutters quickly, I lift my chin to him and place my hands behind my back, before going to find Barry in front of the jeep. There was a four wheeler then two motorcycles. I get on one of the motorcycle. Owen comes over not long after and gets on the other. He glances over to me with his eyebrows raised and a small smirk on his face, “what was that?”
“What was what?” I laugh out.
“With Claire’s nephew. You into him or something?”
I hum, “he’s pretty cute don’t you think?” I smile at him and he rolls his eyes laughing before taking off after Barry.
The raptors had night vision cameras on the side of their head that I’m sure Claire and corporate could see.
“(Name)! You follow me alright?” Owen called out to me.
“Gotchu!” I raised a thumb at him, and raced quickly after, separating from Barry and the others. We managed to keep up with the raptors, me riding behind them, Owen between the four of them. ————————————————————————
(Quick) Zach’s POV
Gray and I looked through the window from the back to where Aunt Claire sat in the drivers seat. I looked over her shoulder at the I-pad in her hands where she could see Owen and the other girl riding with the raptors. “Your boyfriend’s a badass, and that girl too. What’s her name?” I reached out and pointed at the girl.
“That’s (name). She’s a few years older than you Zach,” Aunt Claire looked at me and raised her eyebrows.
“Yeah, alright I was just asking.” I held my hands up in defense, she rolled her eyes at me, smiling, but I quickly looked back to (name).
(Names) POV
I looked ahead at the raptors and Owen. “They’re slowing down.” Barry said. I looked over at him and started coming to a slow myself. Then Owen stops. He holds his hand up in a fist and the soldiers get out of the cars with their weapons up. I get off my motorcycle and take my AR off my back. The soldiers rush ahead of me, Barry, and Owen and I follow quickly after looking around. We hide behind a fallen tree, me between Barry and Owen. I hold my gun up. The raptors wait. I can hear large steps being made and the Rex eventually travels itself from the trees.
“Holy shit-“ I whisper.
“Something’s wrong. They’re communicating.” Barry says as the Rex and Raptors make small roars at each other.
“I know why they wouldn’t tell us what it’s made of,” Owen says as he stares at the Indominous Rex.
“Why?” I say, and look at him.
“That things part raptor,” my eyes widen and I look away from Owen at the Rex. It starts backing up and the raptors turn around and look at us all.
“What are they doing?” I ask. Owen doesn’t respond. A soldier yells after I ask.
“Engage!” We start firing at the Rex and it backs away. A soldier lets off a rocket and the Indominous falls over. Everyone stops shooting. I stand up next to Owen. We keep firing and it ends up running away.
“On your six! Raptors got a new alpha!” Owen yells as we follow after the Indominous. I turn, back and forth looking for the raptors. They could come out at anytime. Then a soldier behind me yells, a raptor on top of him. I run close to Owen, soldiers around us getting attacked by the raptors. Owen and I stay quiet and we see a raptor eating someone. Becuase of the darkness I can’t make out which one it is. It looks up and stares at Owen and I. None of us make a move. Behind the raptor though, a rocket comes through the trees, blowing it up. I go flying back from the impact and shout.
We run towards our bikes and I see that the one I rode in was taken by a soldier. “Owen! My bikes gone,” he looks at me and pats the back of his bike. I climb on and we look ahead. I can hear Barry yelling but I can’t see him, he’s in the log I think. Blue is on top of it, trying to get to Barry. Owen starts revving the bike, distracting blue from Barry. He whistles and rides off, Blue filling after us. I hold on tightly to Owen. I turn around a few times. After one I noticed Blue stopped following us. “Blues not behind us anymore!”
“Alright, keep an eye out for her!” I nod my head and look around for her. I never see her but I also don’t see the other raptors. I eventually hear the raptors. The more we go the closer they sound. Then, I see the bright lights of a van, “isn’t that the van Claire and her nephews where in?”
“I think so.” Owen speeds up behind the van.
“Owen!” I hear 2 people yell. I look from behind and wave at them. They wave back and whoop. Owen rides up next to the drivers side.
“We gotta get indoors! Follow me!” He yells to Claire and drives in front of the van. We stop in front of the big volcano building. I get off the back of the bike and take my AR off my back. I run next to Owen and look behind me at the others. We then go inside the Hammond Creation Lab.
“Control room! That way!” Clair shouts as we make our way there. When we get in I stand in front of with Owen. I hold my gun up as we hear glass breaking in one of the lab stations. “They evacuated the lab.” Claire said. I looked at her and stayed behind as they walked forward so we had weapons in the front and back. When we got in the station, we looked at all the small reptiles. Then a door opened and people came out looking something away. “What are you doing?”
“I’m afraid that above your pay grade, honey.” Hoskins stepped out.
“you’ve gotta be kidding me,” I roll my eyes.
“Where’s Henry?” Claire asks as Hoskins walks closer to us.
“Dr. Wu works for us,” he smiles at us.
“That’s not a real dinosaur,” the little boy speaks up as he looks at the monitor screen.
“No, it ain’t kid, but somebody’s gotta make sure this company has a future, imagine: that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. See, millions of years of evolution. Nature is the gift-“ he was cut off by a roar. “Oh shit!” A raptor comes out. “Easy, easy boy! Easy,” Hoskins was backed against a wall. I made sure the boys were behind me as Owen backed us up, away from the scene. “We’re- we’re in the same side, right? Right? Easy, easy, I’m on your side,” he held a hand out to the raptor. Slowly he pushed it forward but the raptor went to bite his hand. I gasped and turned to bring the little boy closer to me. Hoskins let out a bloodcurdling scream.
“Go, go,” I said as I pushed the little boy out from the room. We started running towards the center. The raptor is thrown out of the glass room and blocks our way from getting out. Claire turns us around and we go the other way. The little boy taps a hologram to distract the raptor so we can get out. We manage to get outside again but when we get out there Blue stops us, along with Delta. Then we have all three on each side of us.
“so that’s how it is huh?” Owen asks. He puts down his rifle. He holds his hand out to Blue. “Easy.” He undoes the strap along her head, “that’s it,” I smile. She seems to calm down. I nudge the older boy.
“Think you can do that?” I smile. He skates his head.
“No ma’am.” This caused me to laugh. Then the Indominous comes roaring from behind Blue. Blue looks back at Owen, away from the Indominous and starts chittering, almost as if she were talking to him. She then turns and roars at the Indominous. She roars back, much louder. She slams Blue away and Blue slams against a building. Owen starts backing us up and I grab into the older ones arm. He looks at me l, but quickly looks back ahead. Delta and Echo start roaring at the Indominous. Owen whistles and the raptors start running at the Indominous. They hop on top of her and while they distract her we run around them. Claire and her nephews climb into the window of an item shop while Owen and I stay out to shoot at the Indominous. As I reload my gun I turn around and see Claire running. I look at Owen, who sees her as well. Owen runs towards the boys in the item shop. I run right after him and hop inside. Owen shushes the boys while I reload just in case.
I look up and see the Indominous. She starts slamming against the item shop and breaks one of her arms in, clawing at the little boy. I shoot at its arm while the others go against a wall. It claws at the others and I run out of bullets, “Shit!” One of its claws gets ahold in the little boy. The older one reaches over and uncles his fanny pack and it the claw releases from the little boy. I crawl over to him. “Are you ok? Did it cut you anywhere? What’s your name?” I hold his face, and wipe away his tears.
“Gray, I-I’m okay.” I hics as he speaks.
“Ok, I’m (name). I’m so sorry that happened I promise I’ll try my best to prevent anything from happening to you again alright?” He nods his head. I look at the older one.
“And what’s your name?”
“Zach.” He says.
“Zach. Okay Zach. Great job. I saw you unclip his fanny pack.” I tap his leg. I look at Owen. He nods. He knew I was better at dealing with emotions than him. Then a red flare hits against the Indominous. I look outside the window of the shop. “It’s Claire! She just brought a whole ass T-Rex here!” I said laughing. Owen, Gray, and Zach come up next to me to look out the window. They start fighting and the Indominous slams the T-Rex around. She grabs the T-Rex’s head and slams it into the shop we were in. I hold onto Gray and Owen holds onto Zach. The T-Rex roars into the shop. And bites at us. I let go of Gray and look over at Claire.
“Run!” She shouts at us.
“Go, go, go!” Owen push’s us all out of the shop and we run to Claire. The Indominous holds the T-Rex down and is about to bite its neck before we hear another roar. it was blue. She jumped onto the back of the Indominous and saved enough time for the T-Rex to get up and but the Indominous, ramming it into the building. We ran into another building, the Dino’s fighting close to us. As we run through, the T-Rex and Blue seem to be dominating the Indominous. They get close to the mosasaurus’ enclosure and it flies up out of the water, biting the Indominous, dragging it underwater.
“Oh, shit!” The T-Rex and Bkue remain, staring at each other. We walk out from behind the building and Blue looks at Owen. He shakes his head, and she runs after the T-Rex. We walk out and look around. I walk next to Zach.
“oh, wow.” He says. I look up at him and reach for his arm.
“You alright?” I ask.
“I’m alive,” he chuckled. I smiled up at him.
“Yeah.” I rub his arm then let go, looking at his forehead. I lift his hair up a little bit, “just a little cut right there,” I brush over it and he holds my arm lightly. “Alright I’ll see you later alright?” I then walk over to Owen.
Claire took Zach and Gray to the shelter where all the visitors were staying. Owen and I worked around the shelter, making sure people got what they needed, be it water, food, bandages, etc. in the morning, Zach and Grays parents showed up. I was with Owen and we were working with an old woman when he looked over at Claire. I noticed him looking. “Let’s go over there,” I say, “I’m sure Zach and Grays parents wanna meet the hero that helped protect their kids the whole night,” I punch his arm lightly.
“Alright, come on,” we head over to their cot. Owen stays behind with Claire and they talk while I go get to Zach and Grays cots.
“Hey,” I say, their parents looking at me. Gray stood up and hugged me tightly.
“(Name)! Mom, dad, this is (name) she helped protect us with Owen and Aunt Claire yesterday. She’s also the one that helped us patch up our injuries,” Gray told them as he continued to hug me. I laughed and looked at Zach
“I didn’t do to much,” I rubbed Grays back and he let go of me.
“Oh my goodness, I can’t thank you enough just for being there with them,” their mom came over and embraced me in a hug, their dad following suit. When they let go I sat next to Zach.
“Hey babe,” I rested my arm on his shoulder.
“Hey (name), uh can I talk to you, somewhere else?” I look up at him.
“yeah sure come on,” we went to a more private place so we could talk. “What’s up?”
“(Name)… I think you’re really cool and I wanna get to know you more so could I uh- could I get your number?” he held my hand while he spoke softly rubbing it. I smiled and bit my lip.
“Yeah sure. I’ll write it down for you.” I pulled out my mini notebook from my shorts and the pen I always have attached to it. I wrote my number and my name down then tore it off and handed it to him. I grabbed his shoulders and stood on my tiptoes giving him a kiss on his cheek. “Bye Zach. Call me when you get the chance alright?” I waved bye to him as he was left with a smitten smile on his face. ————————————————————————
Hi everyone! This took me a day or so cuz like I had to rewatch the movie for it to make more sense like what was happening I was thinking abt a part 2 but idk how to so if yall do want a part to lmk 😊😊😊💕
#jurassic world#Zach#zach mitchell#Owen Grady#Claire Dearing#Zach Mitchell x reader#Jurassic world x reader
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"Why'd you do it?" Zach asked.
"Do what?" Y/N asked after Gray had successfully fallen asleep getting somewhere safe.
"You could have gotten away from that big dinosaur and left me to die, but you didn't. You came back. Why?" Zach's brown eyes were shining with emotion.
"I don't know." Y/N lied.
Zach got closer to him. "Yes, you do."
"I just didn't want you to get hurt." Y/N leaned into Zach's touch.
#x male reader#male reader insert#male x male#zach mitchell#Zach Mitchell x male reader#jurassic world#nick robinson#Nick Robinson x male reader
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Ok, why is no one posting about Zach Mitchell from Jurassic World?! HES SOOOOOOOO AND I FEEL LIKE NO ONE UNDERSTANDS
So if you feel the same maybe send me a request 🙂↕️🙂↕️
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Notes for Jurassic World fic(s) I will never write:
Gray and Zach are so close now.
Zach is... obsessive about knowing where Gray is, and keeping an eye on him at all times. This results in his girlfriend quickly dumping him. He honestly doesn't care.
Gray has some troubles sleeping, but Zach has a really rough time. Unless he can hear or feel his little brother near by.
Gray's habit has always been to study whatever scares him, 'knowledge not fear' is his motto. He is torn in the case of the dinosaurs. Sometimes he never wants to think about them again. Sometimes he devours another book about them, and can't stop spouting facts at the supper table.
Zach is all in on studying the dinos. He reads everything. He learns to roll with Gray when his little brother is getting overwhelmed with it and doesn't even want to hear the word 'dinosaur'.
Claire and Owen come to stay for a couple weeks after the initial crisis.
Karen instantly clocks that Owen is only person Zach trusts to watch Gray without him.
Gray is out in the back yard learning survival skills from Owen, and Zach falls dead asleep on the couch.
When Owen is there Zach stops being the 'dad' and just acts like a teenage boy. Both kids relax around Owen like they haven't since the island.
Especially after their parents get divorced, they both stay in close contact with Owen, even after he and Claire break up.
He shows up out of the blue for birthday parties, and then stays for a week. He also vets all of Karen's man-friends and is right every time.
Zach takes a gap-year to work, and because he's not sure what he wants to do. He and Gray are still super tight, and he's reluctant to leave his little brother to the wolves of high-school (especially a genius nerd who has already skipped one grade and is on the cusp of skipping another)
It's all over the news the morning after the world as they knew it ends (again). Dinosaurs loose in America. Gray goes white as paper. Under the table his hand finds Zach's. Mom turns the TV off.
Gray is fumbling for his phone (Zach insisted he have one after the island), calling Owen.
Maisie, Claire, and Owen come to visit for a week or two, so Maisie can be around other kids who know a bit about what it's like to be attacked by dinosaurs.
Gray and Maisie really hit it off. They get up to mischief and annoy the heck out of Zach and snuggle up to Owen on the couch so he can't get up when they fall asleep on him. (Claire takes pictures.)
The boys promise to visit at the cabin (though they know Mom will probably never let them, just because she still hasn't let them travel alone, but three more years and Gray will be 18, so they can do whatever they want).
Zach teaches Gray how to drive.
And this is from 1 and 2. Still have to see 3 a second time. Will have more ideas then, no doubt.
#is this even coherent#it's been an exhausting day#gray mitchell#zach mitchell#owen grady#claire dearing#maisie lockwood#jurassic world#fic ideas
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may men forever exist only in fiction.
#booklr#fandoms#netflix#fictional men#alexander morozova#darkling#rodrick heffley#liam stewart#jasper jordan#bellamy blake#bellamy#ben parish#zach mitchell#derek venturi#arthur pendragon#mr darcy#jonas kahnwald#jace herondale#tobias eaton#four#lex luthor jr#endeavour#daniel grigori#cam briel#book boyfriends#ky markham#stiles stilinski
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u dont even get it. his aunt completely disappeared from his life when he was 9 and it's the first time he's seen her in 7 years. and she's barely giving him a second glance cause she's too busy at work. she'll save his life but she won't watch a movie with him. he misses her soooo badly and is soooo mad at her for it
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Sanctuary | Part 2
Plot: After finding strange unidentified tracks in the dinosaur sanctuary, everyone is put on high alert. The next day, something else is discovered on surveillance cameras and the sanctuary goes into lockdown.
Pairing: Zach Mitchell (Nick Robinson) x Reader
Warnings: swearing
Masterlist and Requests/Prompts

You were woken up earlier than usual by a distressing phone call that left you rushing to get ready. You pulled on your jeans and a tank top and ran down to the surveillance room.
“What is it, what’s going on?” You asked in a panic as you saw Owen, Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, and Claire look at you with confused expressions.
“Look” one of the members of the surveillance team said, gesturing to his screen.
Live footage showed the nesting site you had surveyed yesterday. At least a dozen triceratops lay dead near their nests, which were now filled with crushed eggs.
“How did this happen?” You asked, trying not break down at the sight of a decimated nesting site that had on Ed housed peaceful creatures.
“That’s the worst part…this footage was recorded last night, be warned, it’s…..brutal”
You were showed a minute long clip of something tearing through the nesting site, killing everything in its path.
“What the hell is that?” You asked terrified.
“We’re not able to identify it, it doesn’t match any known species of carnivore from any period” Dr. Grant said.
“How did it get here? Who put it here?”
“We don’t know who, but we know how” the surveillance tech said before showing you another clip from Tower 8.
It was blurry and from a distance, but you could make out a helicopter lowering a sedated dinosaur into the valley on a stretcher. Though it was the dead of night, you could still make out the features of the creature, it was practically identical to the one seen in the footage from later in the night.
“The alarms never went off, why didn’t the alarms sound?”
“Security personnel at tower 8 found cut wires when they arrived this morning. Someone intentionally cut off power to that particular sector to let that thing loose” Owen said crossing his arms. “Fortunately cams at tower 8 didn’t lose power and caught everything from a distance”
“How did they get in? The facility is off limits to visitors, unless they’ve been invited and you’re required to badge in upon entrance”
“It’s possible it could be an inside job” Owen said, only making you feel more uncomfortable about the situation.
“What do we do now?” You asked.
“We’re putting the facility on lockdown, bringing in all living assets. They’ll be safer in emergency containment than they will be in the valley” Claire mentioned. “All staff will also be required to shelter in place, security checks will be done on everyone.”
You nodded. You didn’t know everyone who worked at the sanctuary, just the ones you worked with directly. There were plenty of scientists, researchers, security, and interns that you didn’t know. The idea that anyone working at the facility would endanger the creatures living here was scary. This place was protected by law.
A few moments later you escorted to the lobby, waiting to be called upon by the head of security for your security check. All dorms, lockers, offices, and computers were being searched for evidence. You weren’t allowed to be around while they searched your belongings. After about an hour you were called by security.
“Good morning Dr. {y/l/n}. Your living quarters and office have been searched and you have been cleared. You are free to return to your normal work duties”
“Thank you” you said. You hung up the phone and walked out to the lookout tower.
You looked down at an empty valley. Where there were once dozens of prehistoric roaming about, there was now nothing. Nothing except a rogue creature of unknown origin. The thought terrified you, yet again.
Suddenly you heard an announcement over the intercom of the facility.
“All staff, please report to the atrium for a mandatory meeting. I repeat, all staff, please report to the atrium for a mandatory meeting, thank you.”
You rushed down to atrium where everyone seemed to be standing around. The room was crowded, but silent, eerily silent. You stood beside Zach, who looked at you concerned before the head of security and Claire came out.
“Everyone, we have news. After searching the entire facility, doing background checks on all staff, and checking all offices and living quarters, we have concluded that everyone here has been cleared.” Claire said “However, weren’t not exactly in the clear” she looked over at the head of security.
“We did find the badge of a staff member discarded at gate 12, however, this employee had reported his badge as missing or stolen early this morning before he left to perform his daily duties. Mr. Conrad assumed that he had just dropped his badge somewhere at the facility, as he resides here year round and never left the facility yesterday. Upon retracing his steps the badge could not be located by either himself or security” the head of security stated “However, we did have a group of grad students from the local university visiting yesterday. We keep an extensive log of all visitors to the facility, so all students are being called in for questioning by the CIA”
“Thank you sir” Claire said quietly “Until we know more about the situation, the valley is off limits to all staff, unless given special permissions. You are free to take the remainder of the day off, but please do not leave the facility. Any questions?”
When nobody spoke up she nodded.
“Okay, meeting dismissed, everyone please stay safe”
You looked at Zach and sighed. He rubbed your shoulder gently “you okay?” He asked
“No” you said. You didn’t really need to say anything more, he knew you weren’t doing well.
“Come on, let’s go get some lunch and talk” he said putting his arm around your shoulders and walking with you to his living quarters. When you got like this he knew you didn’t want to be around a lot of people.
He unlocked the door with his key code to the living area he shared with his brother. You’d visited them several times so you made yourself comfortable at the table.
“What do you want to eat?” He asked smiling.
“Anything, I’m not picky” you said looking out the window.
“Pizza?” He asked, knowing it was one of your comfort foods.
You smiled softly “you always know how to cheer me up”
He smiled at you and pre-heated the oven, taking a frozen pizza out of the freezer.
You watched as he prepared lunch, subconsciously wondering if this is what it’d be like to date him. Cute lunch dates away from the crowds of people, him always cooking for you cause you sucked at it, and just him genuinely always making sure you were alright.
You were cut off your train of thought when you heard his voice again.
“What are you thinking about?”
You blushed “nothing, just…stuff”
“Keeping secrets?” He asked chuckling
You couldn’t help but smile “maybe”
Now was not a good time to be discussing your feelings for him. Honestly, there would never be a good time. He was your best friend and your boss’ nephew. He probably didn’t even like you that way, plus you were so wrong for him. You weren’t even his type, or at least you didn’t think you were, you didn’t really know what his type was but you knew it most likely wasn’t someone like you.
The two of you had lunch and were just about to sit down to watch a movie when you got a call.
“Hello?….yeah?…..what?….okay, I’m coming down now” you said
“It’s back” you said “and it’s close…”
Zach nodded “I’m coming with you”
The two of you got up and rushed down to the surveillance room where they had live feed on the large monitor of the creature in question prowling far too close to the live asset emergency containment.
You got a close look at it. It was big. Bigger than a Vilocaraptor, but smaller than the larger carnivores, like the T-Rex or Giganotosaurus. It was somewhere in between. It had huge claws on both its feet and appendages, an elongated neck, and razor sharp teeth.

You assumed with definitely an engineered hybrid, but who made it and why was a mystery, at least for now.
“What do we do? What if it gets in?” You asked
“Security is already out there monitoring the site from a distance, they’re heavily armed, ready to tranq if necessary” Claire mentioned.
“Non lethals?!” You asked “are you crazy Claire?!”
“Listen kid, I know it’s not ideal, but we can’t risk anything” Owen spoke up “if they miss and kill one of our animals, even they’ll be in deep shit”
You sighed. Killing, trafficking, and breeding dinosaurs was illegal. Even in a situation such as this, killing even an illegally engineered hybrid could cost someone their job and a heavy fine. Accident killing an animal that was a resident at the sanctuary could land them in federal prison.
You watched the screen, your hand shaking, as the creature prowled around the gates of the sanctuaries emergency containment.
“It’s hunting….it smells them” you said quietly.
“The other animals? Or the people?” One of the surveillance staff asked.
“Both” you and Zach said at the same time.
You just looked at each other than back to the screen. Your heart was racing. Within seconds you noticed the snipers on the roof lift their weapons and shoot the creature with their tranquilizers. At least 20 shots could be heard, but the creature never went down, despite having been shot with enough tranqs to paralyze 3 Giganotosaurus’, the largest known terrestrial carnivore ever to roam Earth.
You panicked watching as the creature reared its head, letting out the most spine chilling sound you’d ever heard. It tore through the gate, ripping apart the guard tower, before retreating back into the wooded area after being shot several more times by the surviving security personnel.
“We need an emergency rescue by emergency containment, I repeat emergency rescue by emergency containment” one of the surveillance staff reported over the radios and intercom system.
“I have to go” Zach said
“I’m coming with you” you blurted out
“Like hell you are {y/n}, you need to stay here” he said
“I’m coming with you Zach” you said sternly
He sighed and instead of arguing, grabbed your wrist, dragging you down the hall to grab supplies. He fitted you into a vest and handed you something.
“I can’t use a gun!” You said frantically
“It’s not a gun, it’s a taser, the powerful ones we use to deter carnivores” he said “if I felt comfortable handing you a real weapon I would have”
You nodded and followed him out to the armor vehicles. You saw a glimpse of Claire and Owen watching you from the doorway.
“I’ll be okay” you said, trying to reassure them. They were practically like your secondary parents at this point.
You got into the vehicle next to Zach as they prepared to leave. Once in the road to the location, Zach looked at you.
“You stay by me at all times, got it?” He said
You nodded.
“Don’t make me regret this…” he said as you arrived.
It was quiet. Too quiet. Your heart raced as you exited the vehicle. No turning back now.

To be continued…
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heavily self—indulgent, but jack and jamie.
#drop ᴼᶠ 𝖒oo͟n𝓯all 🌙.#jack: grumpy older brother core#LMFOWAJQOAHSII#jurassic world#zach mitchell#pls y'all gotta see it
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
010. Valley - Owen Grady/Zach Mitchell (Jurassic World Trilogy)
#fandom#fanfiction#jurassic world#jurassic park#owen grady#zach mitchell#owen x zach#omegaverse#mlmay 2024#*g#*mlmay2024#*jurassicpark#*jurassicworld#*jurassic#i forgot how i tag this fandom's graphics whoops
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I admire the restraint the writers had for not copy-pasting the dialogue from the original movie's fence-jump, and instead subtly including it organically.
No "Are you crazy? We can't jump!" No "On three!" Not even the obvious "three..." afterwards.
This time, the kids jump on two.
#it's still an obvious reference with the “one...two...” JUMP#jurassic world#zach mitchell#gray mitchell#indominus rex#also the approach is VERY tense
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Today’s Big Bro is Zach Mitchell from Jurassic World! He loves his little brother!
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Wait why doesn't anyone ever talk about him tho he's cute too 🤭
#jurassic world#zach mitchell#jurassic park#idk what else to tag#ive always liked him#especially his voice#teehee 🤭
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zach and gray need to give claire her props😭like what did owen do that was so impressive honestly claire was the one to shoot that pterasaur while owen was too busy tyring not to die
#claire dearing#jurassic world#zach mitchell#gray mitchell#awful how they do her when she's literally all but sobbing in their faces after they all nearly died#like ik theyre teenage/preteen boys but dang#she's a mess in front of them actually breaking down and theyre like... okay cool but who's that guy who almost got eaten by a pterasaur#jurassic world 1 claire you will always be famous to me
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